
Kensaku expose some hooks to help you to work with the search and the rest calls.

  • useEntitiesOptionsStorage
  • useEntitiesRecords
  • useQueryViewablePostTypes
  • useQueryViewableTaxonomies
  • useSearch


This hook is used to initialize the option’s storage. It gets passed a partial initialState and the searchEntities function.

The partial initialState includes the initial values for the entities and the kind. The searchEntities function is used to search for the entities and store the results in the state.

The returned value is the readonly state and the dispatch function to update it.

const [state, dispatch] = useEntitiesOptionsStorage<E, K>(
        entities: props.entities, // Set([12, 43, 112])
        kind: props.kind, // Set(['page'])


This hook represent the main api to get the entities records from the server.

This is different from the search api in the sense that, the search api is used to search for the entities belonging to one or more kinds by a phrase. The records api is used to retrieve the entities belonging to a specific kind. Both solutions customize the query by additional arguments.

In the future the two api might be merged into one.

The current situation is due the fact the useEntityRecords does not allow more than one kind and the useSearch is not capable of retrieving the entities kinds.

This hook is a decorator of the WordPress useEntityRecords hook, and it augment the original hook with some methods for an easy consumption.

  • records() - The records of the entities.
  • isResolving() - A boolean to check if the records are resolving.
  • errored() - A boolean to check if the request failed.
  • succeed() - A boolean to check if the request succeed.

Regarding the parameters, along with the kind and the name (entity name) it accept additional arguments to customize the query. The accepted arguments are the same arguments accepted by the respective WordPress Rest API endpoint.

The following example is retrieving the list of the postTypes from the server.

const entitiesRecords = useEntityRecords<Kensaku.PostType<'edit'>>(
    { per_page: -1 }

Even if publicly available this hook is not intended to be consumed from within any component. Instead, it meant to be used by other hooks to return a specific set of entities based on their configuration.


This hook is a subset of the useEntitiesRecords hook. It is used to retrieve the list of the viewable post types.


This hook is a subset of the useEntitiesRecords hook. It is used to retrieve the list of the viewable taxonomies. Differently than the post types the taxonomies does not have a viewable property, in this case we query the visibility.publicly_queryable prop.


This hook will return a throttled function to search for the entities. In-fact it’s more a factory hook. The returned function get one single parameter the phrase. This is convenient because we do not have to pass multiple props down the components three or use a context / state.

It requires a function searchEntities to perform the search to the server, the kind and entities to correctly query for the new entities values. In the future there’ll be the possibility to reuse the storage directly from within the hook reducing the amount of parameters, and for last the dispatch, necessary to update the shared state.

When the state update fails for any reason, an action kensaku.on-search.error is fired. You can hook into it and consume the given error instance. More on this in the logging documentation.